Friday, September 20, 2013

A weekend to look forward to

I have been trying to get my scrapbooking stuff organized for quite some time and I am hoping to get some of it done this weekend.  It seems to be the story of my life, a day late and a dollar short, but right now it's more about time.  I feel that I am always out of time each day and I run around doing what needs to be done and at the end of the day I'm just tired!!  I am not sure if it is the cold that I caught or just too much going on.  I think it could be both and probably is.  I wish we had the summer months back for a redo which would allow me to get caught up more before the homework each night and the demands of dinner, baths and bedtimes.  I will post on Monday how all that went and if I am brave maybe I'll post a status picture ....we'll see :)  Signing off for now, have a safe fun filled weekend and make sure you count each blessing along the way.


  1. I think your scrapbooking is super organized, Crystal! You have some really great ideas!
